Are you out of Balance

The Process of Autophagy
Autophagy is a cellular process that degrades and recycles damaged or unnecessary cellular components. It is a conserved process that is found in all eukaryotic cells, from yeast to humans.

You’re pretty much in Autophagy (Cell Repair/Removal) or in cell rebuild mode. In our modern lifestyle, we are completely out of balance. The only way to enhance cell repair/removal is to not eat for a length of time. Since we eat every day, all day, these broken Zombie cells accumulate and create old age. They also cause diseases as they are toxic.

You may want to view this video first. It’s a real good explanation of what autophagy is all about.

Rajsree Nambudripad, MD’s Guide to Autophagy

Autophagy is always taking place but as far as the small amount this level is, during a normal feeding day, the level is so low, it’s hardly enough to consider, excepting, of course, while sleeping or on a Ketogenic diet. Sleep raises the autophagy level a bit.

Your body should be in balance. Without a significant amount of time between food ingestion, your body will eventually get weak and die. Sounds ominous and it is. Of course, that takes decades. When you’re old and going slowly blind, the piper is calling pretty strongly.

Since Dr Ohsumi received the nobel prize for his work with Autophagy, it’s become all too clear that your body needs enough time to fix your cells. It’s all together possible that you can retain a youthful body and live as long as you desire. That’s according to David Synclair, a Professor in the Department of Genetics and co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School. With supplements and fasting, you’ll decide how long you want to live. Resveratrol, Spermidine, Taurine and GlyNac and more. These supplements can help.

Decide when you die, sounds crazy doesn’t it? The science is there. It’s been profoundly researched by 100s of clinical trials, yet it’s almost unknown to most doctors.

The thing is this: You are either in cell repair mode or not. If you water fast, you begin to heal. Autophagy is the system your body uses to repair itself. The trick is not to eat. Not one single morsel can be put into your stomach. Because one single grape stops the process.

Who knew? Not me. It was the rare medical professional that I asked who even knew Autophagy existed.

And what does the repair side of the fence do? Simple, it reverses the damage that eating has done to your cells. That’s age reversal.

You have a marvelous system that will remove cancer, old age, Alzheimers, dementia, all skin blemishes, all arthritis problems, wrinkles, hair loss, fatigue, on and on and on.

AGE IS A DISEASE. It can be cured with Autophagy. That is, if you’re willing to do 3 or 4 day fasts to restore your health. Don’t worry, your fat can probably keep you alive for several months. So, 3 or 4 day fasts can become pretty regular in your life. The good news is, the more fasts you do, the easier it gets. The scientific community knew that Autophagy kills cells. What we didn’t know is that the cells that are being destroyed need to be destroyed. You lose about 1/2 pound of fat every day. So, most people can live months without food.

The way it works is this: Lysosomes in your cells are a little tiny machines filled with over 50 enzymes that first, know how to attach to damaged pieces of junk that don’t belong in your cells and then, literally decompose those pieces to be reused as food or building blocks. Depending on the type of autophagy, a phagosome may envelop a damaged piece in your cell and then the lysosome will then merge and use it’s 50 or more enzymes to decompose the damaged piece and pass those decompositions back into the cell for energy or rebuilding of cell organelles. Pretty incredible.

Can you believe it? If it’s a virus or a bacteria, then the process will decompose them and eat them for food. They’re feasts for lysosomes. All you have to do to wake up the process. You must simply stop eating for a few days. Yeah, not easy to do. But if you’re sick or old then it’s a choice that will make you healthy again, especially if you have cancer.

The medical industry, is on the rebuild side of the fence. The repair side is difficult, it means you have to either jump into a cold lake or bath or do high intensity workouts or the best way, do a fast. Fasting is the most profound way to induce cell repair.

I have Wet Macular Degeneration. A doctor injects my eyes one a month so I can keep from going blind. But it’s slowly getting worse.Many cysts exist under my retinas. Things look wavy. As far as the medical doctors are concerned, there is no cure. Yet there is. I have to reverse 4 years of old age because the natural Autophagy that occurs in small amounts every night has ceased about 4 years ago. That was one of the conclusions of the Finish double blind clinical trial. An update here, in October of 2023, my cysts have disappeared. The huge scar is still there. I’m hoping that Autophagy will remove scars also. No known science here about scarring.

How many 4 day water fasts are needed? I don’t know. What I do know is that I don’t want to be blind. And I have an acquaintance who is blind from it.

What I didn’t know is that all my other conditions stemmed from the same problem. Overeating of carbs is like a slow poison that eventually kills the strength of Autophagy. The remedy: More Autophagy. I’ve chosen fasting as the method.

Link to the Clinical Trial on Wet Macular Degeneration and Autophagy